Sunday, April 27, 2008

"Well she was just SEVENTEEN!"


Yes, today is Brianna's 17th birthday. Remember when she was a blond terror of curls as a little kid? Well, now she works at Dairy Queen, drives a car with feelers and is a Guitar Hero wizard.
Oh, and I bought her bongos for her birthday. A must have!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hello to All!

It's been a while since I've been out on the Blog. I can't believe how busy it can be. I was just in Chicago for a few days (work) and the weather was absolutely beautiful. I of course flew in a day early so I could get some shopping done. Can you beleive they have a 12 story Macy's! It was awesome. Anyway, I'm home with Addison who is napping at the moment so I thought I'd take a minute to say hi to everyone. Valerie - HAPPY BIRTHDAY and good luck with the softball team this year. I know they'll have a blast with you as their coach. We are still hoping to see you in Florida someday soon.

Quentin - HAPPY early BIRTHDAY! (Just in case I miss it on the 5th). It's sounds like the party will be great on the 10th. I wish I could make it but besides the fact that my allergies prevent me from visiting you guys in the Spring, I'll be heading to Atlanta on the 11th (work again!) for a few days.

Not too much happening in the South. Jenn and Mike did go to Puerto Rico a few weeks ago and of course, there is a story to tell. All I'll say is it involved Mike and an ambulance trip to the hospital. If you ask, maybe Jenn will share it on the blog.

Addison is now 10 1/2 months and growing like a weed. She is waving bye bye, plays patty cake and walks behind her litte walking toy. Below are some recent pics. Hope you enjoy.

I hope to see you all soon! Love you.


Thursday, April 24, 2008


Happy Birthday Valerie!!!
Here are a few pictures of the birthday girl.
I also have to say that I am the luckiest brother around to have such a great loving sister. Thanks Goat for everything you do. I love you and I think we will have a great time today going to Philadelphia!!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Opening Day 2008!

Today was opening day for my softball team. I'm coaching 7 & 8 year old girls again. Four of the girls I have this year were on my team last year. It's so fun!

We had our first game today after the opening day ceremonies, which were kicked off with all the kids in the girls & boys leagues parading 2 miles to the fields. The girls were amazing - they all hit the ball well and made good plays in the field. And of course....they HAD FUN!!!

Kyle (my Godson) is like an assistant coach this year. He's so good with them, helping and cheering them on. He's getting so big. He's 13 and in the past year has sprouted up considerably!

The girls named themselves "Blue Thunder". Go blue!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Hey everyone - Q is going to be 21 on May 5th. Can you believe it. Anyway we are going to have a birthday bash for him at my house on May 10th. Mark the date - take off from work for those of you who work Saturdays. It should be lots of fun. Most likely we will be cooking out. Will call everyone to let you know the time. Take care and lots of Love,

Wednesday, April 2, 2008